Monday, August 22, 2005

Big Blue - turns pink!

>"It's important to have diverse suppliers," says Theo Fletcher, vice president of security, compliance and diversity of IBM's Integrated Supply Chain Group.

>Fletcher says that one challenge is finding diverse suppliers in certain commodities. For instance, there are a number of minority-owned businesses for commodities such as plastics or electronics. However, it is more challenging to find gay and lesbian suppliers of such parts. However, for technical and staffing services it is easier to find gay and lesbian suppliers.


So IBM is looking to discriminate against heterosexuals in business. While they chase those pink dollars I hope God in sending the green ones elsewhere. - Col (Vice president of security, compliance and diversity at Gunn Productions LLC).

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Red Cross Fires Christian Who Opposed “Gay Pride” Month

“Ten minutes after I sent the email protesting Gay Pride Month, my computer was shut down and a supervisor marched me out of my office".

Monday, August 08, 2005

My friend, Francisco Rivera

Did you like the song of the Ten Commandments that was sung during the closing credits? Here's the website where you can hear more great songs of the Word of God put to music. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Film Festivals

We've submitted Shaky Town to the WYSIWYG Film Festival and the American Film Renaissance Festival. Please pray that the Shaky Town message will get out through these venues.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

San Francisco Chief of Police!

This is a shot at the Gay Pride Parade 2005. Notice the flag in her pocket.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Good-bye VHS.

Our distributor 'Customflix' will stop doing VHS sales soon. Very few customers puchase VHS these days. Even Wall-Mart will quit the VHS market in 2006 -