Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Schwarzenegger Vows to Veto Gay Marriage Bill! :)


Blogger Carmon Friedrich said...

Methinks Rosa is a spammer.

I'm hoping to write a post about this bill and Arnold's vow to veto it, in a couple of days. I am glad he's going to veto it, but the reasons behind it are not encouraging for the future. So he doesn't want to go against the will of the voters? What happens when enough "voters" think sodomite marriage is just dandy? Does it suddenly become okay?

The Christians arguing against this bill have also been disappointing. Every argument is based on pragmatism and "traditional morality," whatever that is. The definition of morality changes all the time. Unless Christians are bold enough to say that sodomy is a perversion forbidden by God, they are arguing themselves into a corner.

We're showing your film to a group of friends tomorrow night, Colin, and we showed it to some friends in the Bay Area last week (the folks who organized the conference where you interviewed Abshire and Rushdoony).

Blessings to you and your wonderful family,

10:29 PM  
Blogger Duchess of Fife said...

Thanks Carmon, Your right – but I still smile at a small victory :). It is significant that most of California does not want gay marriage but an influential minority and a band of elitists still push for it. Nevertheless, majority shouldn’t rule in matters of morality – God’s word’s pretty clear on that!

Thanks for showing the film to your friends – let as many see it as possible!!

God Bless!


7:44 PM  

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